Allergy Clinic

In addition to common allergic reactions like rhinitis and itchy eyes, other health problems may be caused by sensitivities or allergies to normally harmless substances like pollen, dust or certain food. Reactions to such substances or 'allergens' can cause joint pains, chronic fatigue, insomnia, bowel trouble etc.

Unfortunately, many patients chronically suffer with such problems because conventional methods do not identify or suitably address their food or environmental intolerances or sensitivities.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, such reactions occur because the ‘allergen’ disrupts your flow of 'Qi' or vital energy, causing a breakdown in the normal communication between your brain and body which can disrupt the function of various systems in your body - especially if they are weak or compromised.

So if for example, your respiratory system is weak, your reaction to the allergen may result in breathing problems. If your digestive system is weak, you may get bowel problems or if your brain or neurological system is weak, you may end up with brain fog or chronic fatigue and so on...

At The Spine & Nerve Centre, we use a completely natural ‘Neuro-Energetic’ process to help address your problems. This unique procedure uses a blend of energy and brain balancing procedures to help restore normal flow of 'Qi' and  brain – body communication so your system can function properly and help you live a healthy, pain free life.

Allergy vs Intolerance

A true allergy is an overactive reaction by your immune system to a normally harmless substance. This produces IgE antibodies and histamine which trigger inflammation which can in turn result in a variety of symptoms.
True allergies are characterised by a positive IgE test to the relevant substance and can sometimes lead to life threatening anaphylactic shock.

An intolerance is an undesirable reaction to a substance that does not involve your immune system. Intolerances can cause unpleasant symptoms such as
headaches, rhinitis, joint aches, skin problems, fatigue, bowel problems and so on, but they don’t involve the immune system. Intolerances do not yield a positive IgE response.

We use our Neuro-Energetic Process to address reactions and problemss caused by intolerances. 
We do not treat specific medical conditions or anaphylaxis.
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